الرد على ادعاء ان الوصايا العشر مأخوذة من الفرعونية
فى الوصايا العشر نجد أن الديانه الفرعونية هى أول من نظمت منظومة أخلاقيات تحتوى على هذه الوصايا , فهى كانت عباره عن الإعتراف السلبى في كتاب الموتى الذى يؤديه المتوفى أمام الأرباب يوم الحساب فى الدار الآخرة لكى يدخله الجنه , فنجد المتوفى يقول فى إعترافه :
1 – أعترف أن الإله الواحد هو رب الأرباب و إله الآلهه (فى إشارة مباشرة إلى آمون)
2 – لقد مجدت الإله الذى لا يمكن تمثيله فى صورة او تصويره فى حجاره منحوته
3 – أنا لم أجدّف و لم أخطئ فى حق الآلهه أو يخرج من فمى قول يغضبه
4 – لقد تعبدت للإله فى المعبد المقدس كما كان يقول الكهنه
5 – أنا لم أتعامل بسوء مع أهلى طوال حياتى كلها
6 – أنا لم أقتل إنسان طوال حياتى سواء أكان رجل أو إمرأة
7 – أنا لم أزن و لم أضاجع إمرأة أخرى
8 – أنا لم أسرق و لم أخذ ما ليس لى و لم أرتكب عنفا
9 – أنا لم أكذب و لم أطلق لساني بالباطل على رجل آخر و لم أطلع على دخائل أحد لأسبب له أى أذى
10 – أنا لم أعتد على أرض رجل آخر و لم أعتد على أرض محروثة و لم أزد ثروتي إلا بالأشياء التي كانت ملكاً لي لا لغيري
و بالمقارنه نجد أن الوصايا العشر فى العهد القديم القائم عليه الديانتين اليهوديه و المسيحية تقول:
– لاَ
يَكُنْ لَكَ آلِهَةٌ أخرى أَمَامِي.
– لاَ
تَصْنَعْ لَكَ تِمْثَالاً مَنْحُوتًا
وَلاَ صُورَةً مَا مِمَّا فِي السَّمَاءِ
مِنْ فَوْقُ وَمَا فِي الأرض مِنْ تَحْتُ
وَمَا فِي الْمَاءِ مِنْ تَحْتِ الأرض.
– لاَ
تَنْطِقْ بِاسْمِ الرَّبِّ إِلهِكَ
بَاطِلاً لأَنَّ الرَّبَّ لاَ يُبْرِئُ
مَنْ نَطَقَ بِاسْمِهِ بَاطِلاً
– اُذْكُرْ
يَوْمَ السَّبْتِ لِتُقَدِّسَهُ.
أَيَّامٍ تَعْمَلُ وَتَصْنَعُ جَمِيعَ
عَمَلِكَ وَأَمَّا الْيَوْمُ السَّابعُ
فَفِيهِ سَبْتٌ لِلرَّبِّ إِلهِكَ.
– أَكْرِمْ
أَبَاكَ وَأُمَّكَ لِكَيْ تَطُولَ
أَيَّامُكَ عَلَى الأرض الَّتِي يُعْطِيكَ
الرَّبُّ إِلهُكَ.
– لاَ
– لاَ
– لاَ
– لاَ
تَشْهَدْ عَلَى قَرِيبِكَ شَهَادَةَ
– لاَ
تَشْتَهِ بَيْتَ قَرِيبِكَ.
تَشْتَهِ امْرَأَةَ قَرِيبِكَ وَلاَ
عَبْدَهُ وَلاَ أَمَتَهُ وَلاَ ثَوْرَهُ
وَلاَ حِمَارَهُ وَلاَ شَيْئًا مِمَّا
باختصار ما يقوله المشككين كذب في كذب
وشرحت امر مشابه في ملف
هل هناك تشابه بين شريعة حمورابي وشريعة موسى
فكتاب الموتى الفرعوني Book of the Dead هو الذي يجمع ما يجب ان يقوله الميت امام محكمة ما بعد الموت ويشرح له رحلة العالم السفلي الذي يدعوا انه به نص الوصايا العشرة هذا غير صحيح بالمرة
فعندما نرجع لنص هذا الكتاب عن دفاع الميت لا يقول ما ادعوه على الاطلاق
وها هو رابط لنص الكتاب بالكامل مترجم ولن تجدوا ما ادعوه هؤلاء على الاطلاق في الكتاب بطوله وبنسخه المختلفة وابدأ باشهرهم وهي بردية سنة 1240 ق م باسم
Papyrus of Ani; Egyptian Book of the Dead [Budge]
1240 BC
Translated by E.A. Wallis Budge
ونسخ أخرى للتأكيد
فاين هذه الوصايا العشر التي ادعوها؟
لم أجد أي عشر وصايا ولا أي شيء من كذب هؤلاء
حتى لو تماشينا ان دفاع الميت امام الالهة وهم التالي
Hail, Usekh-nemmt, who comest forth from Anu, I have not committed sin. Hail, Hept-khet, who comest forth from Kher-aha, I have not committed robbery with violence. Hail, Fenti, who comest forth from Khemenu, I have not stolen. Hail, Am-khaibit, who comest forth from Qernet, I have not slain men and women. Hail, Neha-her, who comest forth from Rasta, I have not stolen grain. Hail, Ruruti, who comest forth from heaven, I have not purloined offerings. Hail, Arfi-em-khet, who comest forth from Suat, I have not stolen the property of God. Hail, Neba, who comest and goest, I have not uttered lies. Hail, Set-qesu, who comest forth from Hensu, I have not carried away food. Hail, Utu-nesert, who comest forth from Het-ka-Ptah, I have not uttered curses. Hail, Qerrti, who comest forth from Amentet, I have not committed adultery, I have not lain with men. Hail, Her-f-ha-f, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have made none to weep. Hail, Basti, who comest forth from Bast, I have not eaten the heart. Hail, Ta-retiu, who comest forth from the night, I have not attacked any man. Hail, Unem-snef, who comest forth from the execution chamber, I am not a man of deceit. Hail, Unem-besek, who comest forth from Mabit, I have not stolen cultivated land. Hail, Neb-Maat, who comest forth from Maati, I have not been an eavesdropper. Hail, Tenemiu, who comest forth from Bast, I have not slandered [no man]. Hail, Sertiu, who comest forth from Anu, I have not been angry without just cause. Hail, Tutu, who comest forth from Ati (the Busirite Nome), I have not debauched the wife of any man. Hail, Uamenti, who comest forth from the Khebt chamber, I have not debauched the wife of [any] man. Hail, Maa-antuf, who comest forth from Per-Menu, I have not polluted myself. Hail, Her-uru, who comest forth from Nehatu, I have terrorized none. Hail, Khemiu, who comest forth from Kaui, I have not transgressed [the law]. Hail, Shet-kheru, who comest forth from Urit, I have not been wroth. Hail, Nekhenu, who comest forth from Heqat, I have not shut my ears to the words of truth. Hail, Kenemti, who comest forth from Kenmet, I have not blasphemed. Hail, An-hetep-f, who comest forth from Sau, I am not a man of violence. Hail, Sera-kheru, who comest forth from Unaset, I have not been a stirrer up of strife. Hail, Neb-heru, who comest forth from Netchfet, I have not acted with undue haste. Hail, Sekhriu, who comest forth from Uten, I have not pried into matters. Hail, Neb-abui, who comest forth from Sauti, I have not multiplied my words in speaking. Hail, Nefer-Tem, who comest forth from Het-ka-Ptah, I have wronged none, I have done no evil. Hail, Tem-Sepu, who comest forth from Tetu, I have not worked witchcraft against the king. Hail, Ari-em-ab-f, who comest forth from Tebu, I have never stopped [the flow of] water. Hail, Ahi, who comest forth from Nu, I have never raised my voice. Hail, Uatch-rekhit, who comest forth from Sau, I have not cursed God. Hail, Neheb-ka, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have not acted with arrogance. Hail, Neheb-nefert, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have not stolen the bread of the gods. Hail, Tcheser-tep, who comest forth from the shrine, I have not carried away the khenfu cakes from the Spirits of the dead. Hail, An-af, who comest forth from Maati, I have not snatched away the bread of the child, nor treated with contempt the god of my city. Hail, Hetch-abhu, who comest forth from Ta-she (the Fayyum), I have not slain the cattle belonging to the god.
ونسخة أخرى لها من بردية نيبسيني
APPENDIX (From the Papyrus of Nebseni)
Hail, Usekh-nemmt, who comest forth from Anu, I have not committed sin. Hail, Hept-Shet, who comest forth from Kher-aha, I have not robbed with violence. Hail, Fenti, who comest forth from Khemenu, I have done no violence. Hail, Am-khaibitu, who comest forth from Qerrt, I have not stolen. Hail, Neha-hau, who comest forth from Rasta, I have not slain men. Hail, Ruruti, who comest forth from heaven, I have not made light the bushel. Hail, Arti-f-em-tes, who comest forth from Sekhem, I have not acted deceitfully. Hail, Neba, who comest and goest, I have not stolen the property of the god. Hail, Set-qesu, who comest forth from Hensu, I have not told lies. Hail, Uatch-nesert, who comest forth from Het-ka-Ptah, I have not carried away food. Hail, Qerti, who comest forth from Amenti, I have not uttered evil words. Hail, Hetch-abhu, who comest from Ta-she, I have attacked no man. Hail, Unem-snef, who comest forth from the execution chamber, I have not salin a bull which was the property of the god. Hail, Unem-besku, who comest [forth from the Mabet chamber], I have not acted deceitfully. Hail, Neb-maat, who comest forth from Maati, I have not pillaged the lands which have been ploughed. Hail, Thenemi, who comest forth from Bast, I have never pried into matters [to make mischief]. Hail, Aati, who comest forth from Anu, I have not set my mouth in motion. Hail, Tutuf, who comest from from A, I have not been wroth except with reason. Hail, Uamemti, who comest forth from the execution chamber, I have not debauched the wife of a man. Hail, Maa-anuf, who comest forth from Per-Menu, I have not polluted myself. Hail, Heri-uru, who comest forth from [Nehatu], I have terrorized no man. Hail, Khemi, who comest forth from Ahaui, I have not made attacks. Hail, Shet-kheru, who comest forth from Uri, I have not been a man of anger. Hail, Nekhem, who comest forth from Heq-at, I have not turned a deaf ear to the words of truth. Hail, Ser-Kheru, who comest forth from Unes, I have not stirred up strife. Hail, Basti, who comest forth from Shetait, I have made none to weep. Hail, Her-f-ha-f, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have not committed acts of sexual impurity, or lain with men. Hail, Ta-ret, who comest forth from Akhkhu, I have not eaten my heart. Hail, Kenmti, who comest forth from Kenmet, I have cursed no man. Hail, An-hetep-f, who comest forth from Sau, I have not acted in a violent or oppressive manner. Hail, Neb-heru, who comest forth from Tchefet, I have not acted [or judged] hastily. Hail, Serekhi, who comest forth from Unth, I have not.... my hair, I have not harmed the god. Hail, Neb-abui, who comest forth from Sauti, I have not multiplied my speech overmuch. Hail, Nefer-Tem, who comest forth from Het-ka-Ptah, I have not acted with deciet, I have not worked wickedness. Hail, Tem-Sep, who comest forth from Tetu, I have not done things to effect the cursing of [the king]. Hail, Ari-em-ab-f, who comest forth from Tebti, I have not stopped the flow of water. Hail, Ahi-mu, who comest forth from Nu, I have not raised my voice. Hail, Utu-rekhit, who comest forth from thy house, I have not curse God. Hail, Neheb-Nefert, who comest forth from the Lake of Nefer, I have not acted with insufferable insolence. Hail, Neheb-kau, who comest forth from [thy] city, I have not sought to make myself unduly distinguished. Hail, Tcheser-tep, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have not increased my wealth except through such things are [justly] my own possessions. Hail, An-a-f, who comest forth from Auker, I have not scorned [or treated with contempt] the god of my town.
فدفاع مثل هذا يكلم في أربعين اله ويقول لكل منهم انه لم يسب الالهة ولم يشتم الملك ولم يسرق حبوب ولم يرتكب معصية ولم يرتكب عنف ولم يذبح رجل ولم يدنس تقدمة ولم يسرق أملاك الالهة ولم يسرق غلال الالهة ولم يكذب ولم يسلب طعام ولم يلعن ولم يفعل الشر مع رجل ولم يبكي شخص ولم يأكل قلب ولم يغش ولم يغضب بدون حق ولم يرهب احد ولم اغلق اذني عن الحق ولم يزيد على الكلمات ولم يتكبر ولم يسرق كعك الاله ولا خبز الأطفال ولم يسيء لاله مدينته ولم يذبح بقرة ملك للاله ....
فاين هذا من الوصايا العشر؟
لا يوجد تشابه بين النص الأصلي ووضعته من مخطوطتين مترجم من علماء البرديات وقارنوه بالنص الذي قدموه هؤلاء المشككين في شبهتهم لتعرفوا ان كلامهم هو تدليس
الامر الثاني هذا الكتاب هو المفترض انه بدأ بعض نصوصه من زمن الاهرام واستمر خاص بالأسرة الملكية فقط ولكن كتابة تعويزات الموتى للشعب بدأت من 1550 ق م واخذ نصوصه تتغير ويضاف اليها حتى 50 ق م
Taylor, John H. (Editor), Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead: Journey through the afterlife. British Museum Press, London, 2010
وكما يشهد الكثيرين ان اخذ تأليفه واضافة نصوصه 1000 سنة
The Egyptian Book of the Dead by Anonymous (2 Jun 2014) ...with an introduction by Paul Mirecki (VII(
ولهذا مخطوطاته تختلف في نصها عن الاخر
وأقدم مخطوطه له بها نص الدفاع هي بردية من 1275 ق م